
I am a proud and satisfied DRPower PRO MAX52T owner.  I love it… except for the remote control box and cable. I bought mine after a friend bought one just like it. He loves his, except for the remote control box and cable.

I tore up the remote control box and cable 3 times. The first time, I forgot it was attached to the ATV, and I ripped the harness out of the remote control box after unhooking the mower from the ATV. The second time, my box fell off the ATV during some heavy brush cutting, and the harness got cut in half. Thankfully the blades missed the remote control box. I had some heavy-duty wire and was able to repair the 2′ of chewed up harness. The final time was when I had the mower fully angled to the right, and I hit a big sapping. That dis-lodged the tow arm and ripped the harness from the control box again.

My friend and I are both electrical engineers, so we said “Lets fix this thing”. So, in a matter of ~5 months we created a WIRELESS REMOTE for the up/down lift and PTO. 

Even when the remote worked, the cable is a nuisance!  If it’s routed too short, then you can’t turn sharp.  If it’s routed long enough to turn sharply, then the weeds and branches can grab the cable and pull on the control box.

When I first tested the unit in my field, I sent this picture with a text to my friend that said: “I am never going back to the old way !!”.

We think other tow-behind mower owners would like to go cordless too. We’re still in the planning stages of how to make TowRemote available.